Cheddar cheese = stinky thick human diarrhea kakaa foam
Just steer clear of cheddar cheese.
Cheddar cheese stinks like human kakaa
Cheddar cheese causes a foul-smelling foam of diarrhea kakaa and wet,
foamy farts in humans who eat it.
The nastiest cheesy odor for me include cheddar cheese, parseman, and
romano cheeses -- cheddar being the worst. These cheese stink,
especially when heated. I hate hot cheddar cheeses. On burgers, many
have melted cheddar cheese on it. This gives off a very stinky nasty
odor that makes gag just when thinking about it.
While Limburger does smell bad, its not nearly as stinky as cheddar.
When heated, many cheeses tend to develop different flavors. I can't
stand it. I don't know how anyone can. I've tried to eat a
cheeseburger. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARF. The hot cheddar cheese was
so overpowering. I just don't get how anyone can stand heated cheddar
Cheddar cheese = foamy human diarrhea kakaa.
Anyone who thinks he/she likes cheddar cheese is self-destructive and
needs therapy for his/her own good.
Cheddar cheese is a nasty demon of a laxative. It makes your farts and
kakaa unusually malodorous. It causes you to squirt thick stinky foamy
kakaa on the toilet seat along with the toilet bowl.
Next time you think of eating a slice of cheddar cheese, remember,
your next day will be kakaa hell.
In addition, low-fat cheese is causes far more stinky farts and
diarrhea than full-fat cheese.
Cream cheese can taste wonderful and not cause any diarrhea or
unusually-stinky farts. OTOH, cheddar cheese [esp. non-fat] stinks
like human diarrhea kakaa foam. You have to flush around 3 times to
clean the toilet bowl. Expect a noticeable amount of stinky kakaa foam
to be on the toilet seat, and perhaps even the lid. Also expect the
bathroom to stink like human fart for the next 2 days. No air-
freshener will help. Try to fart a day after eating cheddar cheese --
you'll end up doing stinky kakaa in your pants.
Cheddar cheese causes your anus to feel tickly and itchy the next day.
Its a very sickening feeling. Its like ants going up your ass. Very
disgusting. It causes your kakaa to stinky badly. Simply laughing or
sneezing can cause you to involuntarily-release small pieces of
extremely-stinky kakaa foam from your kakaa-hole.
The day after eating cheddar cheese, defecation feels like some
pervert is tickling your ass while you do kakaa.
So take my advice. Avoid cheddar
Such abstinence will save you the embarassment of public
The problem is, cheddar cheese by itself stinks like human kakaa.
A slice of cheddar cheese = square piece of human kakaa.
If you're going to eat cheddar cheese, you might as well eat human
kakaa. Because both stink equally badly.
I am only telling the truth. Cheddar cheese stinks like thick human
diarrhea kakaa foam and causes stinky foamy viscous diarrhea kakaa and
silent-but-deadly wet farts in humans. This farting is often
accompanied by an unintended defecation of stinky thick diarrheal
kakaa foam.
I eats lots of butter and cream. No diarrhea, no unusually-malodorous
farts/feces. I have no problem with sour cream or cream cheese.
Its cheddar cheese thats evil.
Cheddar cheese causes stinky diarrhea foam and stinky foamy farts in
Cheddar cheese stinks like thick human diarrhea kakaa foam and human
fart foam.